Ride Reviews to Results

Skip the legwork. Get a weekly report instead. Read, Act, Profit.

5-star for next milestone(4.3) - 166
Total Reviews - 1417
1-stars for rating drop(4.1) - 322
Current Rating - 4.221

ReviewRani in Action

All you need to do is check your email

Demo video showing information about the ReviewRani product

One report, weekly.

Unlimited reviews, from all your locations, in one short PDF.

Voice of Customer

See what went right, what went wrong.

Avoid a Ratings Dip

Catch issues before they escalate.

Keep it Simple

Work with clear analysis sent to your inbox.

Save Time, Save Money

Free up your team, focus on the big stuff.

Special Features

ReviewRani gives you the info to help you analyze and strategize using customer feedback

Lifetime Metrics

Capture daily activity and long-term patterns.

Compare All Locations

Streamline your analysis, scale up easily.

Risk & Opportunity Tracking

Plan a path to higher ratings. Prevent a ratings drop.

Keyword Insights

Refine your focus and fine-tune your strategy.

Competitor Tracking

Effortlessly keep an eye on the competition.

Actionable Items

No messy data. Find out where to focus efforts.

Simple Pricing

Reach out to us for enterprise plans
₹ 800
per month

Premium Location Plan

Perfect for dealerships and chains with multiple locations and high footfall.
Get Started
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Priority customer support
Weekly and Monthly Analysis
Multi-location Analysis
Unlimited Keywords

By Business Owners, For Business Owners

Our tools are live at 20+ locations across 2 States at automotive dealerships, restaurants & hotels. Please reach out to us using the form below if you’re interested in trying out any of our tools!

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